Additionally, the theory of electric power consumption measurements and some commercial energy meters are presented. These results are presented both in textual and graphical form. Further, the development of user interface for displaying measured data on the webpage in real-time is also presented. In the thesis the complete design of the ARM based smart energy meter is presented in detail. The goal of this thesis is to develop a prototype of smart ARM based energy meter, which is capable to measure several power consumption parameters and display them on a webpage in real-time. In general, the commercial electrical energy meters are measuring only the total active energy, therefore, users cannot also monitor other important power consumption parameters. Dunja Bračun iĤ Development of smart energy meter using ARM platform Key words: energy meter, ARM processor, power consumption, internet of things, calibration, green environment, energy consumption measurement, emoncms UDK: 681.2: (043.2) Abstract This master thesis describes the development of smart electricity energy meter on the ARM platform. 2 nd degree study program of Electrical Engineering Mentor: Editing: assoc.

1 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FAKULTETA ZA ELEKTROTEHNIKO, RAČUNALNIŠTVO IN INFORMATIKO Darijo Topić DEVELOPMENT OF SMART ENERGY METER USING ARM PLATFORM Razvoj pametnega merilca porabe električne energije na platformi ARM Master Thesis Maribor, November 2017Ģ DEVELOPMENT OF SMART ENERGY METER USING ARM PLATFORM Razvoj pametnega merilca porabe električne energije na platformi ARM Master Thesis Student: Study program: Darijo Topić, dipl.